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Memorable unboxing experience

Create an impactful unboxing experience with this simple yet effective corrugated box style.

Perfect e-commerce solution

Easy to assemble and durable shipping solution, perfect for safely delivering any e-commerce product.

Eco-friendly alternative

Made from recycled material and 100% recyclable, the perfect alternative for sustainable packaging.

Custom Inserts

Protect your products every step of their journey with custom box inserts. Maximize the unboxing experience for customers and let us craft an ideal solution that ensures they get the best possible delivery - all without losing product integrity or sacrificing convenience!

Save time with fast assembly

Shipping frustration is a thing of the past with this roll end 3 flap corrugated box! The cutting-edge self-locking mechanism eliminates the need for messy adhesives and guarantees maximum protection for your products every step of the way. It’s convenience, durability and reliability all in one sleek package.

Perfect delivery everytime

Roll end 3 flap corrugated boxes provide an effortless shipping experience, ensuring your products arrive safe and secure without breaking the bank. You’ll spend less time building boxes while providing a memorable unboxing experience for customers — all without sacrificing simplicity or quality!

Corrugated board thickness

B flute

2.4 to 3 mm

B flute

2.4 to 3 mm

B flute

2.4 to 3 mm

B flute

2.4 to 3 mm

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