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Author Archives: paket harii

Melepaskan Potensi Kotak Surat: Solusi Pengemasan Hemat Biaya untuk Startup

Banyak brand startup yang memilih menggunakan kotak pesawat untuk mengemas produknya karena hemat biaya dan nyaman. Namun, sudah lazim untuk melihat ketersediaan luas kotak pesawat kertas kraft di pasaran. Pada kenyataannya, struktur kotak pesawat itu sederhana, terdiri dari karton dan lapisan kertas bergelombang untuk penguat. […]

Pengetahuan Dasar Percetakan!

Printing Formats There are two prevalent printing formats in use today: traditional offset printing and digital printing. Traditional Offset Printing The workflow of traditional offset printing involves plate production (utilizing four-color plates) with the application of dampening solution and ink onto the plate. The ink is then transferred from the plate to a rubber blanket […]

Pengiriman Dibuat Berwarna-warni: Manfaat Menggunakan Mailer Box Merah Muda untuk E-Commerce

Are you tired of using plain and boring shipping boxes for your e-commerce business? Look no further than pink mailer boxes! These boxes not only add a pop of color to your packaging but also offer several benefits for your business. Tearable with Zipper and Sealing Pink mailer boxes are designed to be tearable with […]

Psikologi Pengemasan: Bagaimana Kotak Surat Dapat Mempengaruhi Perilaku Pelanggan

Introduction: Packaging is more than just a box or a bag that holds your product. It’s a powerful marketing tool that can influence customer behavior and drive sales. In recent years, Mailer Boxes have become a popular choice for businesses looking to create a memorable and engaging unboxing experience for their customers. But what is […]

Kotak Hadiah Sempurna: Panduan Memilih Ukuran dan Gaya yang Tepat

Logo Custom Design T shirt Box T-Shirt Packaging Paper Shipping Mailer Boxes The Perfect Gift Box: A Guide to Choosing the Right Size and Style Gift-giving is an art form that requires both thoughtfulness and attention to detail. Choosing the perfect gift is only half the battle; the presentation is equally important. A well-chosen gift […]

Percetakan Internasional Hong Kong & Pengemasan Adil 19-22 ,April, 2023

Percetakan Internasional Hong Kong & Packaging Fair 2023 Held at AsiaWorld-Expo, this year’s Hong Kong International Printing & Packaging Fair will feature four major thematic zones − De Luxe, Green Printing & Packaging Solutions, Pencetakan & Packaging Solutions for Fashion & Accessories and Innovative Retail Display Solutions – and will also mark the debut […]

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