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Delicate stickersAnyone can’t help but love

Custom Logo Sticker for Packaging

On how packaging can be better in the details! Of course, there is no lack of these small stickers. It is these small details that can bring warmth to the customer, bring this sense of ceremony!
Characteristics: pearl texture, fine shimmer, full color.
Application: milk tea, coffee, aromatherapy, gift packaging, dll..
Ukuran: Customizable
Shape: Customizable

Premium waterproof stickers
A whole summer of recommendations, stickers waterproof and anti-fouling, tear-resistant and unbreakable, light and thin service, you deserve to explore!
Self-printing machine, support a small amount of customization, unlimited quantity, to meet personalized needs

Shape: square, round, shaped, customized shape

Process: color printing, laminating

Look at the sophistication and beauty in the timeless minimalist style of this clear sticker. It’s not going to be hard, but it’s the kind of loose, self-effacing beauty that guests who receive it can feel.

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