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Envelope Packaging Design : Perfect

Factory Price Custom Envelopes Large Envelope Shipping Bag Envelopes

This is a Western-style envelope with a minimalist design, using only one craftsmanship to exude a sense of luxury. In the logo section, the technique of hot stamping is employed for emphasis.

This is an envelope with floral 🌸 design elements, perfect for holding greeting cards or bookmarks.

The muted green color scheme gives the envelope 🍃 a fresh and artistic look.

The embossing technique 🌻 adds texture to the printed floral patterns, making the entire envelope more tactile 🌿.

The brand’s logo is imprinted on the envelope’s seal, enhancing the customer’s impression of the brand 🍁.

The printing process on the envelope
On this envelope, the font part uses the combination of hot black electrochemical aluminum and embossing process, without printing, directly made of special paper processing technology.

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