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💌 Vintage Unique Envelope Suitable For Affixing Postage Stamps For Mailing

Free Design Custom Logo Envelopes Art Paper Offset Printing Paper

Amplop, as a traditional means of conveying emotions, evoke infinite warmth and sentiment. They are also endowed with broader functions; from holiday greeting cards to invitations and postcards, envelopes play an indispensable role. 💞

Today, let’s introduce two types of storage envelopes:

1️⃣ Vintage Leather Paper Envelopes: Ukuran: 17.5*12.5 cm (8 envelopes per pack) Different floral patterns on the front, and unique patterns on the back flap. Exuding a British vintage charm, these envelopes can hold around 9 postcards.

2️⃣ Premium Black Card Envelopes: Ukuran: 19.5*10.5 cm (5 envelopes per pack) Both sides feature a black and goldhappy logo,” exuding a sense of luxury. 💁 There’s also a sulfuric acid paper waistband with silver embossing on the text.

Which one do you prefer? 😉

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