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Sticker on paper box,Business save money tips❗️ for novice business white is very friendly!

Customize Brand Sticker Custom Logo Round Sticker Sheets for Packaging

At the beginning of the business, in order to reduce the risk, keep the principle of saving as much as you can.

In the decoration, desain, packaging on many small details, more thought, or can save a lot.

🧡 Today I am sharing my previous own little trick to save money on branding. In the premise of saving, but also can produce results.

✨ design first do a convenient late for the use of the logo, said here to facilitate the use of specific refers to a series of materials on the brand’s visual communication effect. Probably including the visual use of store logo, publicity materials, and online visual use (such as watermarks, details of the page …)

Today’s share is the packaging design, packaging and transportation on the airplane box, of course, the use of this sticker can be used as an example. In the bag packaging, such as baking bags, bags and so on can be.
The advantage of customized stickers is the use of more flexible. Airplane box stickers, only need a finished airplane box, about 1r or so, but the special customized airplane box will be much more expensive. And update the packaging design, only need to slightly change the sticker design, you can quickly out of the effect, convenient and save money!

Self-adhesive stickers have ordinary printing, and special printing, paper also has a special paper to choose from, the effect is diverse ~

Hopefully, today’s sharing will bring you a little inspiration Oh!

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