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Melepaskan Potensi Kotak Surat: Solusi Pengemasan Hemat Biaya untuk Startup

Banyak brand startup yang memilih menggunakan kotak pesawat untuk mengemas produknya karena hemat biaya dan nyaman.

Namun, sudah lazim untuk melihat ketersediaan luas kotak pesawat kertas kraft di pasaran. Pada kenyataannya, struktur kotak pesawat itu sederhana, terdiri dari karton dan lapisan kertas bergelombang untuk penguat.

The majority of the market uses kraft paper mainly because it is inexpensive and the manufacturing process is straightforward.

Selain itu, airplane boxes come in both single-sided and double-sided variations. Single-sided airplane boxes have a simpler manufacturing process, which can be produced by most small factories.

On the other hand, double-sided airplane boxes require more complex laminating techniques and expensive machinery, limiting the number of factories capable of producing them.

Although airplane boxes are the most affordable option in paper box packaging, with the use of good-quality paper and thoughtful design, utilizing double-sided airplane boxes can still showcase a high-end brand packaging aesthetic.

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